You’ll already be aware of the importance of packaging. It’s an important part of marketing your product, it’s the first thing a customer sees, and you know that first impressions count. If you’re a bakery business, then you’ll realise how important bakery packaging is for many reasons, as well as just the aesthetic appeal. They need to be strong and flexible so the product isn’t damaged.
Here at Kimberley Watson we take a lot into consideration when we create our bakery packaging, it’s one of our most important product lines, because we understand how important it is to the bakery business.
Different Types of Bakery Packaging
There are different types of bakery packaging, and the most widely used types of packaging is cardboard. However there are a number of other materials used that are more suited to specific uses, including plastic and foil.
There are many different designs for bakery packaging, here at KWP we can make sure your brand is clearly seen on the outside with your logo prominently displayed to distinguish it and make it stand out.
Cardboard Bakery Packaging and Other Materials
Cardboard packaging is the most versatile packaging that can be designed so it is attractive to look at, strong and safe for the environment, and allows the product to sit safely within.
We also offer bakery packaging in a range of other materials that are most suited to their use, including plastic trays, foil containers, greaseproof papers and poly liners, bags & sheets. Whatever your requirements are we will find the perfect material and packaging solution for your needs.
Size, Strength, Functionality and Personalised Branding
Bakery packaging also needs to be strong enough for when they’re transported around whilst also being light enough to carry easily. Cardboard packaging is great for building your business brand, making sure that with the right design and logo (we can help with that too), you will have a distinctive and eye-catching box that customers will remember.
Custom Made Bakery Packaging
We understand how the packaging you use for your bakery products can make the difference in whether people are going to remember you after they've made the first purchase and whether you get repeat custom. The product is important, taste and visuals are everything, but the packaging has to deliver on strength, functionality, flexibility and brand awareness.
You need your logo and contact details placed prominently so people will know who you are and remember you for the next time they need some more of your bakery products. We can make sure your bakery packaging matches the product in every way: quality, style and versatility. If you need stylish, strong, quality custom bakery packaging then get in touch, we can’t wait to hear from you.